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Cleveland Thyagaraja Festival - Carnatic Symphony 2020

Carnatic Symphony 2020 will be featured on April 12th in the Cleveland Thyagaraja Festival. Training and rehearsals from April 6th 2020 under the mentorship of Vidwan Shri K.N, Shashikiran and Vidwan Chitravina Ganesh for the orchestra and vocals, additionally trained by Vid. K.V.Gopalakrishnan (percussion) and Vidwan V,V,S, Murari (Violin)

INDUS Fest 2020

Music and Arts mela in Dallas, Texas on April 25th and 26th 2020.  Carnatic Symphony Dallas and annual recital training from April 20th to 24th by eminent musicians - Carnatica Brothers Shri K.N. Shashikiran and Chitravina P. Ganesh. 

Talent Performances by Dallas local talents, Carnatic Vocal concerts by Child prodigies Suryagayathri and Rahul Vellal and Grand Carnatic Vocal concert by Carnatica Brothers - Vidwan Shri K.N. Shashikiran and Vidwan Chitravina Shri P. Ganesh.

Fall Music Workshop

Carnatic Music workshop in Dallas, TX from September 7th to September 13th by eminent musicians - Carnatica Brothers Vidwan Shri K.N.Shashikiran and Vidwan Chitravina Shri P. Ganesh